It's 1973, and Donald Trump is a whiny little bitch who still hasn't made a name for himself. He falls under the tutelage of Roy Cohn, who takes him under his wing and helps shapes him into the asshole he is yet to be, with his three golden rules: "Always attack, never admit wrongdoing, and always claim victory, even if defeated." And the rest is history.
It's a tough (almost dangerous) ask trying to make Trump seem sympathetic, but I guess they thought they'd hire a handsome actor and then add the jowls later. Sebastian Stan plays him as stiff and constipated, but it gets the job done. While the film aims to tell its story realistically and portray the events in a stark, unflattering light, it still ends up feeling like a cheap caricature when all is said and done. But maybe that's who these people really are. The problem is that this whole enterprise feels very anticlimactic. There's too much left on the table, and it's not as condemning as it could have been, given the wealth of information out there. The real feat here is how they actually made Roy Cohn the sympathetic one at the end of the day.
2½ scalp reduction surgeries out of 5