Two lone wolf professional "fixers" have to temporarily put aside their differences and work together in order to rid a crime scene of evidence. Things unexpectedly get more complicated, as they do, with humorous bickering throughout. The whole thing plays out over one night and kind of reminded me of After Hours in its execution, especially in regards to its eerie soundtrack. It's a charming, capably handled crime thriller with two actors at the top of their game, but a number of nagging plot holes unfortunately prevent this from getting a stronger recommendation.
3 smooth operators out of 5
Note: What's depressing about this movie is that it was meant to get a wide theatrical release, but they pulled the plug a few weeks early and sent it direct to streaming instead, because apparently these guys aren't considered bankable enough stars anymore. How fucking old do you feel right now?
I was going to invoke Airheads over the name, but then I realized who they were. Suddenly, I'm interested. Ocean's 11 and 13, represent.
Haha, Airheads. That's another one I need to revisit sometime. Yeah, it's sad how this one flew under the radar because it's actually not bad.
Fuck, and I just read that they cancelled plans for a sequel.
What the hell is going on, anymore? It was a success...but they cancelled the sequel, anyway... Da fuq?
Looks like the story is still developing. Jon Watts preemptively cancelled it because Apple didn't inform him beforehand they would be switching to a streaming strategy. Looks like they fucked themselves over with that decision, but I like that Watts has enough integrity to tell them "no."
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