In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Case Closed: Captured In Her Eyes (2000)

There is plenty of triumphant moments for Conan in this one as he safeguards his one true love from a killer determined to tie up loose ends. While fan service is high, the actual plot is a complete bore. Dealing with alleged police corruption and internal affairs, the action never really picks up until the final act. Used to stretch out the story, Ran's amnesia after witnessing a murder and slow recovery are interesting but mere filler. Fan's emotional connection to the series' long running and unrequited love story aids in disguising a lack of compelling storytelling. Anyone looking to sink their teeth into a worthy mystery will be easily disappointed. 

2 lefties out of 5

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