It's been about a decade since I've seen the last of Paul W. S. Anderson (the lesser of the Paul Andersons), but here he is back again flaunting his wife Milla Jovovich in a painfully generic action fantasy flick that stretches George R. R. Martin's source material way past the point of credulity. It contains all the charm and intelligence of an empty video game cutscene. As I sat there for the duration of the 101 minutes (feeling every second pass), I contemplated the composition of the shots and all the ugly, murky, washed out CGI and cheesy blue screen effects. The color palette literally looks like shit; all browns and yellows. When is Paul W.S Anderson going to get his director's card revoked? It goes without saying that I did not care about a single thing that was happening on the screen and I breathed a sigh of relief when it was finally over. Honestly, I can't even complain; this one was completely on me.
This piece of shit made Werewolves look like absolute cinema by comparison.
0 full moons out of 5
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