Mike Leigh's intimate character study of a deeply unhappy woman who lashes out at everyone she comes across, perpetuating the cycle of negativity and bringing everybody down. Marianne Jean-Baptiste is spellbinding in the role and makes it her own, embodying the kind of misery and self-hatred where you retaliate at everybody else in an effort to bring them down to your level. It's such a stark and unsympathetic portrayal of someone in pain, which offers no easy solution. The film doesn't cast judgment on the characters, it simply presents the situation as is. It's a difficult movie that never shies away from deeply uncomfortable moments or asks us to agree with the choices. The title is apropos because there are no concessions or easy ways out. This is one of the most brutally honest movies I've ever seen and it's memorable for that very reason. It's hard to say I "enjoyed" the film per se, but I'll never forget it.
4 bouquets out of 5
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