An all-star cast, special effects, and a modern, rock tinged soundtrack (?) was not enough to save this snoozefest. In all fairness, I'm not really familiar with this play, but this movie did nothing to convince me otherwise. Russell Brand and Alfred Molina (as the two drunks) were great fun, but the rest bored me with their straitlaced interpretations. No offense to Shakespeare, but in my opinion the material was handled too blandly for contemporary audiences to properly digest.
1 save the text for the classroom out of 5
I was looking forward to this when it came out, and then I forgot all about it. Thanks for reminding me. I thought Helen Mirren as the Prospero character was inspired casting. I think I'd still watch it (despite having that prick Russell Brand in it) as I liked the play but my expectations are somewhat lowered now.
Avoid it, Doc.
This ain't Shakespeare...this is HEAVILY inspired Shakespeare.
It's changed quite a bit in the script which is just atrocious. Alfred Molina and Russell Brand are easily the hightlights.
I'd give it a 2.
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