The third installment of George Lucas' Star Wars saga, Revenge Of The Sith, is easily the best of the "prequel" trilogy.
Sure the hokey dialogue and flatlining acting is still firmly intact but it manages to pack in quite a powerful punch with it's melodrama and dazzling action sequences. Visually the film is a masterpiece with it's solid colors and beautifully rendered backgrounds. The final hour sends haunted chills down my spine as it's like watching your childhood's imagination being written before your very eyes. It's great popcorn entertainment that doesn't end with a smile on it's face.
3 uber-aging out of 5
Ewan sounded like he was phoning it in. I think any real enjoyment came out of what a fan brings to the movie than anything the movie gave. My friend was actually crying in the theater after he gets lit on fire.
But it is the best of its ilk, for whatever that's worth.
2½ I hate the word youngling out of 5
XD "Youngling". Little jedi fuckers got what they had coming to them.
The ending never really had an effect on me before but for some reason this time around, I found myself a bit choked up. Perhaps it's the first time I've been watching them all so close to each other, rather then years apart. Easier to get attached, I suppose.
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