A very, very weird movie that would only appeal to people who post on a blog such as this. The fourth wall is broken throughout this movie, which lends to its charm and general oddness. Essentially a movie about a tire gaining sentience and killing whatever stands in its way, the novelty eventually becomes a little "tired" by the third act (is there even a third act?). Still, it's not everyday you get to tell people you just watched that movie about "the tire with telekinetic powers."
3 Exploding Bunnies out of 5
"...people who post on a blog such as this..."
:loldata: :loldata:
"Exploding bunnies"? XD
I have to see this now.
I watched this late last night.
It would have made a great 20-30 minute short.
It made me want a chocolate éclair at 3 a.m.
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