In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Spider-Man 2.1 (2004)

The first of the Spidey sequels strives to be more mature and less comic-booky in approach. Peter is dealing with his emotions in the aftermath of the first film. His movements while in costume are confident. His life out of costume is complicated. It's a more engaging story. The baddie is menacing while retaining a certain amount of relatable, human flaws. Even ninety percent of the action sequences are good times. And best of all there's less needy-whore Mary Jane. Director Raimi has fun with a hospital scene that'll have Evil Dead fans smiling and clapping with one hand.

4 sticky wrists out of 5


cuckoo said...

Very big 4 from me too.

I love the action sequences in this one. Great fun.

Alfred Molina is wonderful.

Dr Faustus said...

Hell, yes. Alfred Molina was fantastic. Even without the goggles he looks like Doc Ock.
Doc Ock was in the first Spidey comic I ever bought, many many years ago.

Impudent Urinal said...

4 menacing man-boobs out of 5 from me too.