In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Die Hard (1988)

Die Hard has been my favorite Christmas movie for years. As grumpy as I may get about general Christmas festivities, I still feel the need to do something vaguely Christmas-y, and Die Hard satisfies that urge without ever descending into the things I dislike about holiday movies.

In some ways, Die Hard feels like a very violent live-action cartoon. It's so over the top and high energy, and at times devolves into full-on silliness. Rickman is exceedingly charming and wonderfully evil, and Willis' banter is a blast. It's easy to see why this movie led to him being a full-on superstar. It's a fun twist on the buddy film genre, and pretty much the perfect action movie. It's got bloody shoot outs and explosions, and makes me feel happier every time I watch it. And, when it comes down to it, that's what a Christmas movie should do.

5 machine guns out of 5. Ho-Ho-Ho.

1 comment:

Impudent Urinal said...

4 Carl Winslow was the real hero here out of 5