Just as the
first one was hard to review, this one is equally difficult because it's essentially
the same film. But that didn't keep me from loving it at 10, and I'm still the same immature kid I always was. Okay, so it's really improbable that the family would lose Kevin
again (this time, as the title suggests, he's got the whole city to himself), but it's actually pretty fun and charming if you open up to it. You'd have to be a real Mr. Grumpy Pants to not get any basic enjoyment out of this film. That being said, I enjoy the gags, derivative as they may seem, and it's all quite goofy and harmless when you get down to it. There aren't many kids movies that feel the same way.
4.5 pairs of turtle-doves out of 5
1 comment:
4½ seems too gracious but I will give it points for nostalgia minus some for same plot and implausibility.
3½ Haven't seen Stern since that basketball movie out of 5
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