This is a tough one to nut. It's one of those movies that critics love lambasting, but it's also an essential part of my childhood. So this review is clearly slanted. Honestly, how could you be 8 years old at the time and
not identify with the plight of poor Kevin McCallister? Invisible to his family, just wanting a whole cheese pizza to himself, and wishing he was left alone (oh god, I got it in spades). The booby traps in the latter part of the film are so much fun, I think it inspired a genre of children's film in itself. And of course, it all ends up being touching and tear-worthy at the end of the day (with one final note of laughter). This is just an awesomely fun movie period, and I'm proud to count it among my yearly Christmas celebration.
4.5 extremely violent Wet Bandits gags (repeat) out of 5
It wasn't until a few years ago that I realized the gangster movies were just clips made for the Home Alones and not real movies and that the Shovel slayer was estranged from his son because of homo.
4 One knock on the front door is all a kid is worth to the cops out of 5.
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