The memories just come flooding back. One of my favorite adaptations of Dickens'
A Christmas Carol (along with
A Muppet Christmas Carol and
Scrooged), it also manages to condense the story into a taut 25 minutes while remaining just as effective as any other retelling. The animation is lush and gorgeous and doesn't seem dated at all. An essential part of any childhood viewing.
5 Goofy door-knockers out of 5
I love this film.
I remember seeing it with The Rescuers with my Grandmother. Wonderful.
It's one of my favorite adaptations of the Dickens classic, along with Scrooged and the 1951 version with Alastair Sim.
This was my 1st Christmas Carol I ever saw and believed that Scrooge McDuck was the origin of Scrooge.
Great adaptation yes.
5 Future cemetery scene used to scare me as a kid out of 5
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