In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Saw X (2023)

Easily the best Saw film since the original. By this point, they realized the best path forward was to go back into the past. Set in between the events of Saw and Saw II, we focus on John Kramer's recent cancer diagnosis as he attempts to undergo a life-saving surgical procedure. This one is mostly successful because it doesn't resemble the rest of the sequels in any way and instead puts us in the shoes of the series villain. It helps when you're on his side and want to see the rest of these people get punished, too.
Given the success of this latest revival, a sequel has been greenlit, so it looks like Tobin Bell will be doing this till he's 90.

3 medical scams out of 5


Mike said...

Between 1 and 2... That sounds real familiar. Should we expect a review of the video game, as well?

budarc said...

I used to have them on PS3, but no, probably not. Wish I had the luxury of time (and peace of mind) to play video games again, but life moves too quickly.