In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Thursday, 31 October 2024

Halloween is Grinch Night (1977)

A lesser-known follow-up (and prequel) to Dr. Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Objectively, this isn't a great special, but it grows on you through subsequent viewings. The animation style can only be described as a psychedelic fever dream; almost like Seuss took one too many mushrooms. Unfortunately, Boris Karloff was no longer around to lend his voice, and the songs aren't particularly memorable either, but somehow it still manages to capture an eerie aura that feels synonymous with the holiday.
If you can make sense of the muddled plot, you're a better Who than I.

2½ euphemisms out of 5


Mike said...

It's on the release of ...Stole Christmas that we have, but we've never watched it. Figured that should be rectified, thanks to you. It's alright. I like the music when he's in the wagon, and some of the visuals are neat for the time, for a children's special. The gunslinger-esque bit; I liked that the most.

I imagine it's simply about facing your fears, waiting them out, and then doing it, again. Rinse and repeat. If it's a prequel, that means Max goes back to him. That tracks for an abusive relationship.

The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat is on here, too. It's gonna be like Freddy VS Jason, up in here in~

budarc said...

I was surprised to learn it won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program back in the day. I guess they were hard up for content back then. Anyway, it's the kind of thing that can become an annual tradition even though I first watched it late in life. Glad I could "inspire" you to check it out!

Mike said...

Oh, it's definitely not Emmy-worthy :doc: