In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Hellboy: The Crooked Man (2024)

The second reboot after the 2019 version failed to make its mark. This time, it's cheaper, low-budget and the CG effects look like ass. This feels closer to a fan film version of Hellboy than anything else, though it sort of lends to a particular charm all of its own. This adaptation is faithful to "The Crooked Man" telling and is steeped more in folk horror roots. I'm not the biggest fan of the new actor (Jack Kesy), as his characterization is more laid back and lacks charisma, although this is a younger version of the character than has been depicted before. Set your expectations to rock-bottom and you might get some enjoyment out of it.

2 witch balls out of 5


Mike said...

Doc, the pics for the animated entries have gone AWOL.

I keep trying to find both movies at thrift stores. I'll see the first one, every once in a while, but it's usually scratched to shit. Then I remember how boring Selma Blaire (and Audrey Plaza) are, and figure it's for the best. I love Perlman, but he's always buried in things that I have problems with, otherwise. Shame.

Dr Faustus said...

Thanks. I'll put my Blogger Cap on and see if I can find them in the joke-hell that is Google's photo storage.

Seeing bud's two HB posts inspired me to re-watch the earlier ones. I just got done with the first movie. Perlman is great casting, and he really nails the wry humour. I agree about Selma; her character isn't the most exciting of the bunch, but it's like she doesn't even try. :/