In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Friday, 18 October 2024

Smile 2 (2024)

If I could describe this movie in one word, it's intense. Naomi Scott turns in a raw, star-making performance as Skye Riley, a troubled pop star who becomes heir to the "trauma" that has been passed down from the last movie. This time, the mental illness is showcased on a larger stage, as everyone is watching and judging her every move, magnifying her crisis on a global scale. Like the original, it completely pulls you into the mind of the main character, so you experience everything along with her. It feels like the equivalent of watching someone go through a nervous breakdown in real time. I almost felt like I was dissociating while watching it, so it worked on a whole other level for me. I may have even suffered a psychological break during this movie, I'm still not sure. 
This one ratchets up the creepy visuals with some legitimately frightening moments that will shake you down to the core. It's a good thing I was wearing my brown pants.

3½ clumps of hair out of 5


Mike said...

Whelp, Jeremy Jahns just informed me that she’s 2017 MMPR Pink. That’s a new low. Didn’t even register to me. Girl, you have failed beyond recognition as a Sentai/Power Rangers lady. I’d banish you, but it seems you never arrived to begin with…

budarc said...

I didn't remember her from anything before. Didn't realize she also played Jasmine in the new Aladdin. She seems unrecognizable here from previous roles. It really is a tour de force.