In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003)

Just when I thought the last one was shit, this movie comes along and makes me re-evaluate what a 0 rating actually means. This time, it doesn't even resemble the Leprechaun of the previous movies (his name is Lubdan, inexplicably). This was the beginning of the end for the franchise, and the last entry to star Warwick Davis (who deserved so much better than this). The series was "rebooted" of sorts in Leprechaun: Origins and given a legacy sequel in Leprechaun Returns.

0 hits from the Leprebong out of 5


Mike said...

I see you found your 10ft erection. Only took 13 years~

Doc, the pics for Hitchhiker's Guide and Ashen's movie are down.

budarc said...

Yep, it took me that long just to work up the nerve! I had to bend it in order to make it come full circle. :erm:

Dr Faustus said...

Those two pictures are still there on my screen, weirdly. Are they still broken for you?

Dammit, Blogger. It'd be simple to replace stuff if they'd a file name search function on their despicable image hosting site. It'd be real easy to add, too. I miss Picasa. :(