In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

A Haunted House 2 (2014)

While the found footage gags are starting to get a little repetitive, this one incorporates parodies from other popular horror films released at the time, such as Annabelle, Sinister, Insidious and The Conjuring. It's very much a product of its time, but it's a time when people didn't take themselves so fucking seriously. This one dials up the stupid, but that doesn't make it any less funny. Completely irreverent and offensive to the max.
Also, probably the first time I realized Jaime Pressly and Missi Pyle weren't the same person.

3 Morgan Freeman raisins out of 5


Mike said...

We have a Missi Pyle tag?!??! That's wild! Please apply it to Josie and Pussycats, if you wouldn't mind.

budarc said...


Mike said...

Thanks! I remember there being a ceiling on new tags, because of blogger nonsense, so I never for a femtosecond thought about her being worth one. That sounds really harsh, but she is genuinely great as Alexandria.

budarc said...

Luckily we haven't hit the cap yet; I've been adding new names as I go along, but trying to keep it economical and mainly sticking to the "up-and-comers."