In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Don't Go in the Woods (2010)

When it comes to horror and musicals, I'm willing to forgive a lot. Unfortunately, Don't Go in the Woods is both a subpar horror movie and a lousy musical. The premise is solid, but the script feels like it was cobbled together in a few days. The songs range from "not that good" to "oh god I need to skip forward", and the horror elements feel tacked on.

D'Onofrio is talented, even when he's making a bad movie, and there are some really nice visuals here. If he'd committed more to the horror aspect, this could have been something cool. As is, it's a mildly unpleasant experiment. I wanted badly to like this one, but I just couldn't.

 1.5 bad Conor Oberst impressions out of 5


Dr Faustus said...

I've never once been disappointed with a Vincent D'Onofrio performance. I think he's great.

I haven't seen this film, ftr.

Marceline said...

He directed this one. I should've been clearer in the nut! I read he shot it in his backyard.

Dr Faustus said...

I didn't realise. I thought he was in it. I’m doubly intrigued now (the musical part had me slightly intrigued), but also wary because it screams bad horror movie and you know how I feel about those.
I’ll keep it on the secondary radar.