In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Macbeth (2006)

When last I read the Scottish Play I must have missed the parts that had gunfights, drug deals, laptops and that it wasn't even set in Scotland.
This crap keeps the Bard’s language but mars it with a modern setting.
The witches are unruly schoolgirls. Need I go on?

1 more foul than fair of 5


cuckoo said...


What even...?

XD *giggle*

Dr Faustus said...

I’m going to wash the memory away with Polanski’s version soon.

Marceline said...

This is an impressively short nut!

I rarely like Sam Worthington. He's one of those actors who can sometimes suck all the energy out of a scene. A charisma vaccuum.

cuckoo said...

He was good in The Debt.

Can't think of anything else I didn't see him in he didn't seem like a wooden sponge.

Dr Faustus said...

Charisma vacuum + Wooden sponge. :rofldata: Two perfect descriptions.