The good thing about prequels is that it doesn't really hurt the original film as much as sequels and remakes do. The bad thing about this particular prequel is that it doesn't really add anything new to the table either. I watched it back-to-back with the
original and it pretty much felt like an exact remake. I give the producers credit for doing their homework and keeping the look consistent (it remains very faithful in detail), but CGI will never trump practical effects as far as replicating the
feel of the original. There is a coda at the end that leads directly into the original film, but that's the only real exciting part of it.
2.5 metal fillings out of 5
I've had mixed feelings about this for ages now so when I get around to seeing it I have no idea if I'll be going into it hopeful or jaded.
Jaded, obviously.
It's pretty cool to finally see what went on in that Norwegian camp after all this time, but some things are better left to the imagination.
Did you ever play the PS2 game? It had you going into the camp after the events of the film. I read some place that Carpenter gave it his blessing. It wasn't the usual film cash-in crap. It was hard as nails.
No, I haven't played it.
I read that the producers consulted with Carpenter on the new film (but he offered no input), so they got the details spot on. It wasn't a bad movie per se, it just felt unnecessary. I didn't come away from it feeling that it particularly enriched the original.
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