In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Tuesday 1 November 2011


One of the most significant films of it's kind, John Carpenter's Halloween is hailed as a slasher flick masterpiece.
Independently produced on a very low budget, John Carpenter showed audiences everywhere that you can make a film without extreme violence and gore and still make it scary as hell. Using a simple story line, simple haunting music with deafening stings and interesting camera techniques, Carpenter turned a suburban neighborhood into a living nightmare.
Aside from some really shoddy acting from some of the teenage co-stars, Halloween holds up to this very day as a classic slasher flick and without a doubt on nearly every top 10 list out there.

4½ Shapes out of 5


budarc said...

4½? :\

cuckoo said...

Can't get past the REALLY bad acting from Laurie's friends. It really took me right out of it during a few moments. ...and some of Dr. Loomis' melodramatic dialogue is cringe-worthy.

Dr Faustus said...

I'm with bud. 5 Shat masks out of 5.

N-12_Aden said...

The remake is better

YOLO #gitonmylvl

I can kind of see where your coming from on Loomis being a bit too melodramatic, but I think it fits his experiences.