In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Friday 22 February 2013


After Mark Steven Johnson's excruciatingly bad take on Marvel's lacklustre Ghost Rider character, Crank witer/director's Brian Taylor & Mark Nelvedine take over for the sequel, Spirit Of Vengeance.
The original film seemed to take itself a little more seriously than it should have, so it was nice to see the sequel indulge itself in the ridiculous trash that it is.  It looks and acts like a Crank film starring Nicholas Cage and toned down by a major studio.  Cage acts like he knows it'll become a series of animated gifs & Youtube clips, which quickly loses it's charm.  
While it might not be as bad as the first film, this one is still pretty bad.  

2 indestructible Twinkies out of 5


Dr Faustus said...

First one was in the £1 Store a while back.
I didn't fall for it. :smrt:

cuckoo said...

I only saw the first 25 minutes and maybe the last 5 minutes of the first film.

I hated it.