In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Dear Santa (2024)

A dyslexic kid writes a letter to Satan, and he comes a-calling, tricking the boy into making 3 wishes in exchange for his soul. I would have thought this was a novel concept had I not seen Letters to Satan Claus a couple of years back which had this exact same premise. With the Farrelly Brothers and Jack Black involved, I was expecting this to be a hard R-rated raunchfest, but it's more like a PG movie that tries so hard not to be offensive that it's actually offensive. Anyway, there are a couple of gags that got me, but this is a far cry from the Farrellys' best work. You're better off watching Krampus instead.

2 "every time a grown man sharts himself, a demon earns its horns" out of 5

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