In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Monday, 30 December 2024

Slingshot (2024)

Sci-fi thriller involving a crew traveling to Titan to harvest natural resources. The "slingshot" of the title refers to the gravitational maneuver which will launch them towards their target. As this journey spans many years, they are placed into a drug-induced sleep, re-awakening every 90 days in order to perform maintenance and make sure they're still headed on course.
I had an odd experience watching this movie, because I kept going in and out of consciousness, similar to the characters. Anyway, I made a prediction from the very opening montage that this story may have taken a page from The Twilight Zone. While I will neither confirm nor deny, I will say its plot does feel overly familiar to similar sources.
I was ready to write this off as a POS until the ending, which I found audacious in its execution. It doesn't manage to save the movie, but almost redeems it for me. That final shot will stay with me for awhile.

2 hibernation cycles out of 5

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