In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Babygirl (2024)

Nicole Kidman plays an older woman who wants her pussy fucked inside out by a much younger man.
Ahem. Nicole Kidman plays a self-made woman who isn't sexually satisfied at home and seeks some outside thrills that push her out of her comfort zone.
The only reason this movie exists and has received accolades is because of the power dynamic at play. If roles were reversed, I imagine it would receive widespread criticism for the exact same reasons. With its confusing gender politics, this is basically Fifty Shades of Grey for the post-#MeToo era.
Is it erotic? Sure. But it comes at the cost of so many disclaimers, that it's downright exhausting.

3 consensual acts of degradation out of 5

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