In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

EL CUERPO [2012]

aka The Body

Julia's Eyes screenwriter Oriol Paulo writes & directs El Cuerpo, a slick 'n smart mystery/thriller that is sure to please those looking for unpredictable twists and turns galore.  
It strikes with a paranoid Hitchcock-ian style that occasionally manages to get in a few good scares as well.  Aided by some wonderful performances the film keeps a brisk pace that never slows down until the jaw-dropping finale that unfolds in a beautiful slow-burning manner that leaves room for the viewer to catch their breath.  Unfortunately a film like this calls for just a bit more edge to truly be as effective as it wants to be but it never musters up enough brawn to pack that extra bite.  

3½ glasses of wine out of 5 

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