In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Friday 9 March 2012

RAT RACE [2001]

Jerry Zucker of Airplane! & The Naked Gun fame, steps away from his usual sight gag comedies and attempts to nestle his humor into a character based comedy in 2001's Rat Race.
Starring a huge ensemble cast of entertaining actors, who will do any film that comes along for a paycheck (where's Michael Caine & Morgan Freeman?), Rat Race manages to get quite a few good laughs in but also has it's fair share of jokes that fall flat on their face.
It's not essential viewing but is worth a look at at least once for the good laughs it does provide.

3 Squirrel Ladies out of 5


Impudent Urinal said...

I forget why they didn't keep the helicopter.
3½ I wouldn't buy it but I watch it everytime it's on TV out of 5

cuckoo said...

The engine died on them while they were chasing Amy Smart's ex-boyfriend in his truck.

Vince Vieluf is great in it.
He needs more roles. I thought he was the best part of the whole movie.