In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Monday 19 August 2013


Michael Caine's done an exceptional amount of shitty movies but has his pride & respect saved by a small handful of really really great films.
Director Peter Collinson's crime-caper "comedy" The Italian Job is not one of them.  It has a ridiculously huge cast of characters, none of which have any sort of personality whatsoever with the exception of the vapid looks on their faces.  The narrative is dull, silly and void of any sort of cleverness that should come with a caper film.  Thankfully there's a few good one-liners and a wild chase scene in the final 20 minutes to make up for the rest of the sluggish hot air.

2½  cliffhangers out of 5

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