In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Ed Wood (1994)

A ‘mostly true’ biopic of film maker Ed Wood, known affectionately as the world’s worst director. It’s one of the many Tim Burton films starring Johnny Depp, so you’ll likely know right off the bat if you’re going to love it or hate it. Depp occasionally acts like Christian Slater, which is a little irritating, but mostly he’s on fine form.
What makes the film extra special for me is Martin Landau; his performance as a crotchety old washed up horror actor is filled with a deeply tender pathos that gives the film much needed heart. Seeing him act alongside his daughter Juliet was also fun. I like her.
Is Burton’s wife in it? Yes, of course she is. Stupid question.

4 painted pie plates out of 5


cuckoo said...

A fine, fine Burton film.

Christian Slater? Never noticed that.

Should watch it again to see if I pick up on that.

4 flimsy backdrops out of 5

Dr Faustus said...

There are a few moments where I’m looking at Depp but all I can hear is Slater doing his cool kid thing, but it doesn't ruin the film.

Opening credits are awesome.

“Do I really have a face like a horse?” :rofldata: