In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Monday, 3 September 2012


Writer/director Troy Duffy channels his inner Tarantino in the cult classic action flick The Boondock Saints.  While the film may never give the viewer much to think about, rapidly fires flat dialogue at us or even solidify it's characters enough to care about them, the rest of it is pretty damned over-the-top fun, particularly Willem Dafoe's performance.  It attempts to convince us it has some sort of higher purpose but in the end it just seems like it's more interested in setting up some really cool execution scenes.  

3 obliterated cats out of 5

1 comment:

Docrate1 said...

Saw this movie by accident, as it was given to me by a videoclub clerk instead of "the marine". I liked it. a lot. Good action, crazy characters, the funniest cat scene in the history of movies...

I thanked the clerk the next day.

4 Happy Docrates and unhappy cats out of 5.