In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Saturday, 27 April 2013


David Lynch's 1997 psychological thriller Lost Highway is loosely inspired by Ambrose Bierce's short story An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge and a strange intercom call Lynch received one fine morning.
It explores themes of memories, identity, madness and distrust using a surreal linear style of feverish storytelling.  The initial viewing will leave you baffled and most likely disturbed, however with a closer attention to detail and deceivingly pointless lines of dialogue, you'll figure it all out pretty quickly.  With it's fantastic soundtrack, unsettling photography & sound design and a particularly frightening performance from Robert Blake, Lost Highway is sure to please fans of Lynch's neo-noir films.

3½ mysterious videotapes out of 5


Dr Faustus said...

I like it.
4 yellow lines out of 5

cuckoo said...

I quite like it too.

Initially gave it a 4 but went back and re-edited it to a 3 1/2 within 2 minutes.

The Lynch film (only 3 left) that I will be rating a 4 is better than this one, so it wouldn't make sense to rate them the same.

Dr Faustus said...

I meant I like both the film and your review. I was being lazy and hoped one short sentence would cover both. :p

I remember doing the same half a point thing with the score on Oldboy because I prefer Lady V.