In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Friday, 27 December 2024

Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)

Sonic makes his way from his world into ours, where he quickly makes a friend and a mortal enemy. Just like a video game, the plot is secondary to the action and the spectacle. Sonic's design looks great and the human characters around him bring him to life. Of particular note is Jim Carrey basically playing himself as Dr. Robotnik, which is both my biggest criticism of the movie and also its saving grace. It's that dumb kind of infectious fun where it doesn't do anything special, but you don't regret having sat through it. It's all very silly and over the top, but it's a bright and shiny diversion from the doldrums of life.

3 golden rings out of 5


Neg said...

I saw the post-credit scene for 3. I was so impossibly excited, even though it took 4 movies to do it, when it should have been done in the second.

For some reason, people weren't talking about it. They were talking about an absolutely horrid one. That must have been the mid-credits scene. But, why would they talk about that bunch of nothing, when they should have been talking about the belated redemption of this dumpster fire?


Fuck this franchise.

Dr Faustus said...

There are three of them?! I was only vaguely aware there was to be a second one.

Dr Faustus said...

Bud, we have a Video Game Collections Post. Actually, there are two, one for Live Action and one for Animated. I added your SMB to the Animated list. Is this one mostly live action? If yes, it would go into The Game to Movie Collection: Part One

Neg said...

Oh yeah, there's 3. Keanu is Shadow. Enjoy knowing that XD

Neg said...

I engaged in some journalistic integrity. Apparently, that producer/director/whoever has been overruled. Thank G-Whiz!!! Amy FINALLY went Super in two recent games.

These movies would have been a good time to gender-swap Tails, and give him back his Super form, though. Wouldn't have to be waiting, holding our breath for Blaze. It's the same shit as with Sentai. First they went whole-hog on Red-Only Power-Ups, and now they're on a streak of only having one lady, per team.

What is this? The 70s or 90s? WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE PROGRESSING, NOT REGRESSING!!! Still, Sonic is such a weird franchise, to me, in general. I'd only feel RELIEVED, and have a minuscule bit of my faith in humanity restored. I wouldn't be HAPPY.

Sonic is not a franchise that is capable of making me happy. Wasn't trying to shit on you, specifically, Bud. I have issues, but they're worthwhile issues. God, I'm glad Amy can finally go Super. Now, Rouge and Cream!

budarc said...

Doc: Yup, I'll add them all in once I've finished the trilogy. Thanks for the heads-up.

Neg: I wasn't aware of any controversy, but I never take opinions personally anyway, so don't worry about speaking your mind here. Let this be a "safe space" for airing our grievances.