In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Saturday 16 February 2019

Les Choristes (2004)

English title: The Chorus

A French language film in which a music-lover named Clément (Gérard Jugnot) becomes a supervisor in an all-male boarding school for 'difficult' kids. Instead of tirelessly dishing out punishments like the uncaring headmaster (François Berléand), who sees them as a collective evil, Clément treats the boys as individuals, breaking down barriers and inspiring young minds in the process.
It's the kind of story that I've seen a number of times before, with varying degrees of success, but it has enough poignant sincerity in the telling, and the right amount of vitality in its actors to make exploring it again worthwhile.

3½ paper aeroplanes out of 5

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