In a Nutshell. Mini reviews of movies old and new. No fuss. No spoilers. And often no sleep.

Saturday 22 December 2018

Agent Vinod (2012)

Vinod is a continent-hopping suave agent who does the same kind of things that you've probably seen dozens of other movie secret agents do.
Given that the poster art montage suggests an Indian cousin of James Bond in a Fast + Furious crossover directed by Michael Bay, it's fair to say that I was less than optimistic about seeing the film. Mercifully, it isn't as bad as all that, but nor is it anything worth singing many praises about, because when I watch a Bollywood movie I want something that only India can give. What I don't want is the same kind of boring polish that Hollywood action movies favour.
Much of AV is the latter. It's only when it tries to be slick and fails — making the ridiculous OTT action scenes seem as comical as they are fantastical — that it manages to produce any kind of unique appeal.

2½ life-changing poems out of 5

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