
Sunday 20 October 2013


Director Brandon Cronenberg follows in his daddy's footsteps with stories about people doing weird shit to their bodies in the unsettling sci-fi thriller Antiviral.
Taking place in a world where people pay to get injected with their favorite celebrity's viruses and illnesses, the film is stark, cold and chills you to the bone with its hospital like color palate and intense ick factor.  Technically it's a work of art with its beautiful framing, precise lighting and delicate direction, however as a story it left me emotionally unattached with its coldness and wooden characters.
It's a nice directorial debut and leaves me eager to see Cronenberg's future films as he matures as a film-maker.

3 celebrity cells out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.