
Tuesday 22 October 2013


Written & directed by Austin Chick, Girls Against Boys is a horror revenge flick that is more than what it seems.
Universally panned by male critics for being too "man-hatey", the film is actually done with a sly smirk on it's face that's just too fun to dislike.  With some careful attention to it's finer details the viewer should see it for what it actually is and enjoy the ride that much more.  Carried by some strong performances, interesting camera work and great dialogue I found it to be not a great film but certainly a lot more enjoyable and better than what people have made it out to be.

3 bowls of Cap'n Crunch over corpses out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.