
Sunday 20 October 2013

HAUNTER [2013]

Abigail Breslin does a wonderful job at carrying the film in director Vincenzo Natali's super creepy ghost story Haunter.  
It starts off as your basic tired haunted house story but soon as the first layer of plot is added it just keeps building and building into something far more weirder and creepier than you'd ever expect.  It's beautifully photographed and lit with haunting precision that screams of cold intimacy.  Unfortunately the plot gets so thick with brilliant ideas, the final 20 minutes can't live up to everything it's built itself up to be and collapses something fierce.  Fortunately it's something I've come to expect from Natali films so it didn't hurt the experience too much.

4 meat loaf dinners out of 5


  1. I haven't seen this one yet! I love a good ghost story, so I'll be sure to check it out.

    I think getting let down by endings is something I expect from horror movies in general, lately. That just makes stuff like Martyrs that much better!

  2. Ghost stories are my favorite.

    I think I like them so much because they lend themselves easily to include tragedy to the horror.

    This years crop of horror movies have been pretty disappointing.

    I've only seen 2 now that are exceptional. The rest are either so-so or terrible.

    I think we Nutted all the good ones now. XD


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.