
Friday 1 March 2019

The Time Machine (1960)

A classic sci-fi based on the renowned H.G. Wells novella (1895) of the same name. The celebrated adaptation's most enduring aspect is perhaps the time-travelling device itself, which may be the most iconic of its kind in the history of cinema, but the film is also a fun adventure with poignant commentary on the destructive nature(s) of mankind through the ages.
Rod Taylor is the daring Victorian time-trotter. Although not a very charismatic character, his scientific drive nevertheless gives him an edge.
The FX are more memorable; the use of time-lapse, composites, miniatures and stop-motion animation really bring the journeying to life.

3½ instruction sirens out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.