
Monday 4 March 2019

Straight to Hell (1987)

An odd low-budget Western in which four bank robbers attempt to lay low in a remote desert town after a job, but the town isn't what they hoped for.
Dir. Alex Cox's off-kilter approach to film-making is primarily what makes it interesting, because when it comes to acting, besides Sy Richardson and a few notable cameos, talent in such is definitely in short supply.
It features a number of musicians, including Joe Strummer of The Clash, Elvis Costello, and The Pogues. Again, likely not hired for their thespianism, I'm guessing they were friends of Cox. Oh, and Courtney Love is there, too, but the less said about her the better – she's very, very, very annoying.

2½ torn suits out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.