
Tuesday 27 January 2015

EVERLY [2014]

Director Joe Lynch adds yet another bloody violent action/thriller to your obligatory anti-Christmas movies list with the Salma Hayek led Everly.
It follows the title character as she tries to escape her apartment amidst a hail of bullets, henchman, bat-shit crazy hookers, blade-wielding maniacs and costumed psychopaths.  Once more indie-film America attempts to mimic Asia Extreme and ends with pretty entertaining results, if not a little more brainless.  Hayek does a fine job at brining a lot more character to her role than I suspect was originally written and it works quite well, as the story slowly unfolds revealing more and more to the background.  This is pure C-movie material and never attempts to do anything more with it so don't expect to find any hidden nuances or layers, other than the ladies can kick ass too, even if they are in lingerie or high heels.

2½ silent nights out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.