
Tuesday 27 January 2015


Director Rowan JoffĂ©'s adaptation of  S. J. Watson's thriller novel Before I Go To Sleep is ironically a great film to watch to help you go to sleep.
It tells the story of a woman who wakes up everyday with her memory wiped clean due to a terrible accident she suffered.  Fortunately Nicole Kidman is a delight to watch to distract the viewer from it's countless clichĂ© twists 'n turns, duller than dull dialogue and ridiculous set-up that begs you take it more serious than it should.  Sadly they forget to add in more than two suspects to the mystery so when the big reveal is finally unveiled you wonder why you even bothered to stick around.
In short, it's boring, uninspired and way too predictable for a film that's supposedly built on mystery.

1 camera out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.