
Monday 1 September 2014

Samurai Wolf (1966)

Kiba Ôkaminosuke is a fascinating character. A scruffy appearance belies a man of selective morals and beard pride. He’ll chance a free meal but won’t take advantage too much. He’s kind of like a younger, less cynical Yojimbo in a Sergio Leone style Spaghetti Western not set in the west.
A Blind woman in a remote relay post in which Kiba finds himself quickly gets the measure of him and through her so too do we.
Gosha’s direction is furious. He moves quickly from scene to scene, man to man, with an explosive style. He'll occasionally cut off the sound completely. During a fight you might not hear the swords connect, but you’ll hear the splatter of lifeblood as it paints the tatami.

4 cries for wolf out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.