
Sunday 31 August 2014

Warrior King (2005)

aka Tom-Yum-Goong / The Protector 

Most kids have a bunny or a puppy. Kham has an elephant. His love for his tusked companion sees him travelling from Thailand to Australia, where his mental state and martial arts skills are tested to the max.
The first half is hit and miss, I could've happily lived without the James Bond style boat chase and the bad CGI dream sequence, but the second half is an unforgettably violent and emotional journey that’s exhausting to watch. There’s a single unbroken fight scene lasting almost four minutes that really needs to be seen to be believed.

NOTE: My version (shown above) runs for approx 106 mins (PAL). The International Cut is shorter. Avoid the US Theatrical cut at all costs.

4 bone crunching sounds out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.