
Sunday 20 October 2013

THE WOODS [2006]

Something eerie is going on in director Lucky McKee's bizarre supernatural thriller The Woods.
McKee has a stylish and imaginative flair that brings this otherwise run of the mill Suspiria clone up a few notches where it allows us to know the characters and feel the atmosphere.  It never really frightens or disturbs like the director's other works but manages to keep it spooky beginning to end.
...and let's face it, we all want to see Bruce Campbell fight trees again.

3 glasses of spilt milk out of 5


  1. I was just thinking of this movie! The Suspiria comparison are really obvious, but it also reminded me a lot of Morning Glories. I think I like spooky stories set at schools in general.

  2. Never thought of Morning Glories but now that you mention it yeah. :D

    I thought of The Orphanage and The Awakening.

    I find haunted old schools, hospitals or anything that houses many people are always good times if they're deep in the woods.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.