
Sunday 20 October 2013


The idea of Mick Garris directing the fourth & final instalment in the Psycho series as a made-for-TV film sounds like it has disaster written all over it.
...and it pretty much is.
It might not be as bad as the third film but only because it takes a different approach to the series by flashbacking to Norman Bates as a little boy and his relationship with his batshit crazy mother.  The writing and directing are over-the-top in a pulp comic book sort of way that drains the film of any sort of tension whatsoever.  However Henry Thomas & Olivia Hussey as young Norman and Norma Bates are actually quite good with what little they had to work with.

1½ boy's best friends out of 5


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.