
Wednesday 18 September 2013


After the retread shittiness of the second film, it's nice to see director Todd Phillips put some care back into the final instalment of his Hangover series.
It ditches the "hangover" template of the story all together (you could be critical as to why it's called the Hangover then, but do you really want to bother wasting your time with something so silly?) and instead it allows the story to develop into a comedic manhunt/suspense film.  In a way it works quite well and in others it's a bit of a misstep as well.  There's a few good laughs to be had but at times it's just too dark or angry to fully enjoy it as supposedly funny film.  Hardcore fans of the series will eat it up but casual viewers will scratch their heads wondering if this is supposed to be funny or intense.

2½ coked up cocks out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.