
Friday 20 September 2013

BAD MILO! [2013]

Jacob Vaughan's horror comedy, Bad Milo! is a throwback to the '80's creature features, by using chirpy Mogwai-esque sound effects to rubber puppets & animatronics.
The first half of the film is hilariously stupid but fun, as it completely grosses you out with it's story about a murderous rage demon that makes it's home up a stressed out man's anus.  As the second half of the film spews out the joke begins to wear off but is salvaged by a few moments of great dialogue bits here and there. By the premise alone, you know this isn't going to be Citizen Kane but if you're in the mood for this sort of "shit" then it is worth a look at.

3 ancient myths surrounding the anus out of 5


  1. I saw this online a few weeks ago and thought, 'Cuckoo'll watch that!'
    I earned me a smug.

  2. XD

    Saw the trailer many a month and thought to myself "I wonder when I'll watch that."


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.