
Thursday 26 September 2013

Heromakers (2002)

Before they started using CGI, Hong Kong action cinema was the finest in the world. This short documentary (71 mins) offers an insight into the lives of the HK Stuntmen (and woman) during the high point of the genre.
If you think it feels like a desperate attempt by the label to make some cash, you’d be right. It’s a DVD extra (available on the Platinum edition of Red Wolf (1995)) given a separate release, with some extras and a shitload of trailers for other films in the range. Hong Kong Legends’ commitment to costly restorations and quality output was in part the reason they collapsed, but they left us with a treasure chest of HK cinema, so I don’t begrudge them having to resort to this kind of tactic to try and survive.

2½ dangerous dances out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.